Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Not a lot new to report on Moriah's conditon. Since returning from the hospital last week she has looked pretty good. She did have a couple of issues with the antibiotics that she was on, but nothing major. Her responses continue to be about the same and are not consistent. We seem to get reponses at times but really don't know to what extent she understands us, but I can tell you that at times she seems distressed and at other times seems more comfortable. It sure doesn't get any easier, but as Jimmy Cliff would say "My faith and my heart will see me through"

The dedication of the piano went well. I would put this in another one of those "very cool but not what I wish I was doing categories." The old adage that tragedy can produce good things is certainly true in this case. I would like to thank all of you who helped contribute to this memorial. Also to the following people who attended, it really means a lot.
The members of Christ the King Lutheran(you know who you are)
Claude and Verna Van Driel (Mary's parents)
Jayne and Ron Peterson (Mary's sister and husband)
Bette Krause (Mary's sister)
Brent, Chris, Luke, and Cody Nichols
Bob and Dawn Stewart and those two cute girls
Dick, Nancy, and Maureen Perkins.
Pastor Dave for your idea, and your thoughtful words.
To the rest of you who were there in spirit.

Brothers and sisters in Christ: Today we seek God's blessing as we gather with thankfulness to set apart this piano to his glory. God has given us the gift of music, and to Him we sound our praise.
Sixteen months ago, on December 26, 2005, we were first shocked and then greatly saddened by the death of Mary Reiman. As with the other members of our congregation who have passed through the gate of death to life with Christ forever, we do not need to look far to see the hand of Mary in our congregation. She left us with many memories and much of her handiwork. If one were to stand in the middle of the door to the nave and turn in a circle, one would see Mary's handiwork in almost every direction: upholstery of our chairs, liturgical paraments, furniture, the youth loft, basement rooms. We are thankful to God for Mary's gifts and to Mary for her sharing so generously her gifts with us. Today it is with great thankfulness that we dedicate the Yamaha baby grand piano in her memory and to the glory of God. Through the music that will come to us from this piano the gospel of Jesus Christ, in which she so firmly believed, will continue to be proclaimed. We thank Mary's husband, Dale; her daughters, Moriah and Danielle; her parents Claude and Verna VanDriel; and the many people who contributed to her memorial fund for making this gift possible. To God be the glory forever and ever.

Psalm 150
Halleluia! Praise God in His 'holy temple;*
praise Him in the firmament 'of His power.
Praise Him for His 'mighty acts;*
praise Him for His ex'cellent greatness.
Praise Him with the blast 'of the ram's horn;*
praise Him with 'lyre and harp.
Praise Him with tim'brel and dance;*
praise Him with 'strings and pipe.
Praise Him with re'sounding cymbal;*
praise Him with loud-'clanging cymbals.
Let everything 'that has breath*
praise the Lord. 'Halleluia! (Mary loved cymbals, drums, and was a notorious tambourine player!)

Ephesians 5:18b-20
But be filled with the Spirit, as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sing with joy to God our strength;
and raise a loud shout to the God of Jacob
Raise a song and sound the timbrel,
the merry harp, and the lyre.
Blessed are You, O Lord our God, king of the universe. You have made the whole earth after Your glory; all Your creatures praise You. We lift our voices to join the sounds and song of heaven and earth, of things seen and unseen, in praise of Your Glory. You alone do great wonders, and by Your wisdom You made the heavens and the earth. All living things give You praise. You have breathed Your breath of mercy into Your children, to hear from them a joyful shout with their own song. In the fullness of time, O God, You sang Your new song, our Lord Jesus Christ, who is exalted by poets, musicians, and all Your siants. Your Spirit is the breath of our music and song. Be with us now and bless us as we dedicate this piano to Your praise and glory Enrich the lives of Your people through it, and grant us faith to hear Your gracious purpose in it. By Your Holy Spirit, let this piano enliven the proclamation of Your Word to the building up of Your Church, to the glory of Your name, and to the good of all Your people; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, through all ages of ages.

Well said, well said.

We are close to finalizing the details on the other memorial which will be a scholarship fund through PEO. I will give you the details when they are a done deal.

God Bless


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