Thursday, January 19, 2006


I got a glimpse of the items that will be available at the auction/raffle tomorrow night. I am truly stunned at out friends and the community's generosity. It was hard for me to fight back the tears when seeing all of this. As my friend Laird and I would say "OUTSTANDING!!!" It reminded me of the responsibility that we have to our true friends. I will not forget any of you.

"Those who withold kindness from a friend forsake the fear of the Almighty.
Job 6 v14
quite a responsibility don't you think??

Not a lot new with Moriah's condition. She moved quite a bit both times that I visited her today. They still are thinking about moving her. They are a little concerned with some clogging in her throat occasionaly, that needs to be suctioned out. They want to make sure that she gets that cleared, and actually she has done much better lately. She still looks so good! It looks to me like somethings going on inside that head of hers. Please continue your prayers as it gives us all strength. Please hang in there with me for the long haul!!!

I would like to thank some of you who have visited Moriah on a regular basis. This isn't all inclusive so don't feel bad if I left you out or forgot! I'll catch up to you.

The Hills Bank crew. Teresa and Bev and all the rest of you. Wow what a group.

Amber G. I read what you wrote in the guestbook in the room today and cried. I'll never forget you two goofballs swimming together.

The Shermans. Hilah, Thanks to you and your mom for your thoughts and prayers.

Moriah's friends. Katherine, Maureen, Amy, Bock, JJ, Amber and I know there are more. Don't ever underestimate the strength that Mojo get's from you.

Mark and Angela Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd also like to thank the lady that let me turn in front of her this morning. I'd still be sitting at Hardee's!! See it is the little things. I gave one of those guys on the corner with a sign the spare change in my pocket today. Next time you see one give them a buck. You might be surprised how it makes you feel. And if you think it's a scam don't worry about it!! That's God's problem.

I'm going to leave you with several lyrics tonight as I don't think I will do this for the next few days. I have a lot of thoughts dancing in my head and here are a few of them. Hope to see you tomorrow night , if not may God bless you as much as you have all blessed me.

I was up all night socializing
Trying to keep the latent depression
from crystalizing!
Now the the Sun is lurking behind the Scarbourough horizon,
And you're not even here,
on the coldest night of the year

Bruce Cockburn "Coldest Night of the Year"

If you're problems won't go away
And your'e worried both night and day
Hand it over
Get on your knees and pray
If you're sick, feeling low
Got no money, got nowhere to go
Hand it over, Get on your knees and pray
Ain't no mountain you can't climb
Ain't no answer you can't find
All you need is a hand to hold
It'll heal your body and feed your soul
The road is dark and you can't find your way
Just let he spirit light the way
Hand it over
Get on on your knees and pray

Keb Mo "Hand it Over"

You still with me???????????? As my Dad would say in Social Studies "Wake up Class!"

Somewhere out there is a place that's cool
Where peace and balance are the rule
Working toward a future like some kind of mystic jewel,

And waiting for a
And waiting for a
And waiting for a miracle

Your rub your palm on the grimy pain
In the hope that you can see
In the hope that you can be

You stand up proud and pretend your strong
Like the ones who die
Like the ones who cry
Trying to set the Angels into space

While waiting for a
While waiting for a
While waiting for a miracle

Bruce Cockburn "Waiting for a Miracle"

Hope our paths cross soon
God Bless all of You



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